Kids Haven Drama Group: Julius Caesar
Owing to Covid-19 restrictions, festival organisers have had to re-imagine the Shakespeare Schools Festival performances that were scheduled for the remainder of this year. After consultation with learners, educators and SSF team members, it was decided that the event would go online. The advantage is that SSF performances will now be available to a world-wide audience!
The virtual SSF will take place from 19 to 25 September and audiences can look forward to a variety of film versions of productions by participating schools and community groups from the Western Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, as well as international participation from partner schools in Russia and Estonia. An additional component this year will be the Bayabuza programme: ‘They Ask; We Answer’, an online webinar series that will focus on assisting students to develop critical thinking and examination skills. The facilitators include Shelani van Niekerk, Kaulana Lynn Williams and Sivenkosi Gubangxa, who are all proficient in the Grade 10-12 English set works and are trained theatre, film and television professionals.
Dream Work Productions: Antony and Cleopatra
KASI RC - Shack Art School and Theatre: Hamlet and As You Like It
The Shakespeare Schools Festival (SSF) will be combining its events for the second half of 2020 into a virtual festival - a first for this popular fixture, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year.
Siyakhona Youth Group: Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and The Taming of the Shrew
De Blac Art House: The Merchant of Venice
Dream Work Productions: Antony and Cleopatra