Shakespeare in Southern Africa

AboutCurrent volumeRecent volumesSubmissions


Shakespeare in Southern Africa is published annually. The journal carries research articles, essays, commentary, interviews, and book, theatre and film reviews. It has a particular emphasis on – but its content is not limited to – responses to Shakespeare in southern Africa. Submissions are reviewed by at least two referees (the practice of ‘blind’ reviewing is adhered to). The Journal is accredited for subsidy purposes by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training.

Shakespeare in Southern Africa is available in electronic and print format by subscription. Individual articles can be downloaded via the following databases:

Current volume

The cover of Volume 37 features Atandwa Kani as Othello and Carla Smith as Desdemona in the Baxter Theatre production of Othello (directed by Lara Foot), Cape Town, 2024. Photographer: Fiona MacPherson.

Read the editorial or download the contents page.


Recent volumes

Volume 21 (2009): Table of contents [PDF] Editorial [PDF]

Volume 22 (2010): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 23 (2011 - “Banishment, Xenophobia, Home and Exile in Shakespeare”): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorials [PDF]

Volume 24 (2012): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 25 (2013): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 26 (2014): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 27 (2015): Table of contents [PDF] Editorial [PDF]

Volume 28 (2016): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 29 (2017): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 30 (2017/2018 - “Decolonising Shakespeare”): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 31 (2018): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 32 (2019): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 33 (2020 - “Shakespeare and Social Justice”): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 34 (2021): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 35 (2022): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]

Volume 36 (2023): Table of contents [PDF] | Editorial [PDF]


Submissions may be emailed to the editors, Chris Thurman and Marguerite de Waal. Please note that submissions should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. Full publication details must be provided for all sources cited.