For those of you who are experiencing serious FOMO and wish you had attended the “my shakespeare” workshop at the Baxter Theatre in Cape Town, May 2019, for teachers grappling with what it means to teach and study Shakespeare in South Africa today, FEAR NOT! There is access to a few videos from the workshop. Take a look below!
Also, if you would like to read through the workshop programme to understand where these presentations fit in, click here.
Orienting towards our learners: Shakespeare in the multilingual classroom, by Dr Robyn Tyler, a specialist in language and literacy across the curriculum.
Readings and reflections on Shakespeare in translation by Buhle Ngaba, a South African actress, theatre activist and writer.
Integrating Shakespeare across the curriculum, by Lauren Bates, a South African English and Drama teacher, Shakespeare Scholar and Theatre in Education practitioner.
Improvisation in teaching and performing Shakespeare, by Bronwen Rees, a teacher and researcher focusing on Shakespeare in Performance. She s currently HOD of Dramatic Arts at Jeppe High School for Boys.